The Lost Trail
2nd Place, 5th Grade
by Diana Geller, Colham Ferry Elementary School
Illusion ran through the rain, terrified. She turned around, and the black figure was catching up. She slipped, and watched as the black figure reared above her, with glaring eyes.
Illusion woke up startled. What type of dream was that? She shook her head and flicked her tail as Doll padded over to her. The two horses exchanged nods. “Illusion, are you going on the Lost Trail?” Doll asked, making the name of the trail sound creepy in some way.
“You bet I am!” Illusion neighed. The Lost Trail was an event hosted every year on Halloween night. Horses would start in one big group, eventually splitting up. The thing that makes it odd is that rumor is told, every year, the bloody horse would come to attack one horse. Survivors would win a reward that they would keep for the rest of their lives, which shows bravery. That’s why most horses attend, but it is also fun. At least, to some horses.
“Okay, I’ll see you tonight then. Joker is coming too.” Doll locked eyes with Illusion for a moment, her ocean blue eyes staring deep into Illusions, then looked away and walked off. Weird. Illusion thought, but just started to graze.
Soon enough, a big party of horses came to the Lost Trail meeting place. Stallions and mares exchanged a moment of excited yet nervous chatter, until they were silenced by Bone.
“Horses of the Southern Rainy-night, please gather around.” The blind, pale horse called out. After a moment, he neighed, “Tonight we gather here for the Lost Trail of Halloween. You all know what to do,” he snorted. “Hopefully you’re not attacked.” He paused, then continued, releasing the horses. “Let the trail begin!” He whinnied, as horses set off on their way, excitement sparking through the air.
Illusion decided to follow a narrow, thorny path. She wasn’t scared of the bloody horse. In fact, she thought it was just that horses got lost, not that there was a bloody horse at all. “Ouch,”she said as a thorn pricked her.
After about five minutes, the thorny path opened up to a big field with not much grass. Illusion started to get nervous, this was the place in her dream. “Boo!” she spun around, and saw Doll.
“You’re not scary.” Illusion sighed.
“I am though.” She narrowed her eyes and Illusion laughed and continued on her way. Doll didn’t follow her. “Are you coming?” She turned around.
Doll’s eyes suddenly went blank into a red abyss. Illusion backed up, nervously. What was happening? Did Doll get chosen?
“No.” Doll replied to Illusion’s thoughts, as her coat started to drip with blood. “You should’ve known who I am.” Doll’s sweet, cute voice turned dark, and expressionless.
Illusion turned back around, running from Doll. Then she slipped.
“No!” She wailed, as Doll sunk her sharp teeth into Illusion’s throat, killing her, and leaving the corpse as she disappeared, only to come back as Doll for another year.