Session Description
Long, long before you’ve written “the end,” you need (no, make that you must) have created your author’s website. In this interactive session you’ll learn what you need and how to DIY for almost free.
Rona Simmons

Rona Simmons is an Atlanta-area author of historical fiction and nonfiction. For the last several years she has focused her writing on World War II with the books: Images from World War II (published in 2016) The Other Veterans of World War II: Stories from Behind the Front Lines (Kent State University Press in 2020) and (Koehler Books in 2022). Both of the latter books were awarded gold medals from the Military Writers Society of America. She is a graduate of Tulane University and received her post-graduate degree from Georgia State University. After a thirty-year career in business, ending with a period with IBM as a business consultant, she launched her next career in writing. Simmons has written for literary journals and online and print magazines and newspapers and is active in her local writing community. She is a frequent speaker to service groups and writers associations and enjoys sharing the many lessons she has learned in advancing her writing.