Session Description
So much of writing is in our heads. We develop a writing schedule and set up our business, submit queries and proposals. We follow killer query letters, proposals, and their style and structure. We revise, revise, revise! To do all this, we sit, sit, sit! We’re hunching our shoulders, furrowing our brows. Let’s dance! It increases our creativity, gets us off the chair. We dance our story, whether it’s a nonfiction essay or book or a memoir, poetry or fiction. We can choreograph our writing and then bring it to the page. All writers can do this! No dance experience is necessary.
Carla Walter, PhD, MBA
Dr. Carla’s established writing career has dance and its ability to inspire at its core. Her book, Sacred Dance Meditations: 365 Globally Inspired Movement Practices Enhancing Awakening, Clarity, and Connection (North Atlantic Books, Penguin Random House, 2020) focuses on using dance as meditation in day to day living by providing people with ways to incorporate dance into their awareness. A Professional Dance Facilitator with the Sacred Dance Guild, Dr. Carla’s given workshops at professional dance conferences, dance workshops, and spiritual retreats. Her resume includes leading writer’s retreats and workshops at The Writers Grotto in San Francisco, and San Diego Writer’s, Ink. With a doctorate in Dance History and Theory from the University of California, Dr. Carla has published several nonfiction books and articles on dance and the power it holds to transform individuals and communities.