“The Creatures Revenge”
by Liam Trice
One morning a group of five kids were out in one around a small neighborhood surrounded by woods. They were Reggie, Colbs, Jadden, Trevor, and Stewart. These groups of kids liked to hunt a lot and were known for winning the annual “Kids Hunt for Creatures Contest”. They loved to be in the forest so much that they would go almost every morning at 5:00 so they could hunt or even just explore the forests before school. On this specific day they decided that they would explore the forests.
After they all came out of their houses they left for the woods. Even though it was dark out they had flashlights and they had gotten used to the dark by now. They loved to goof off and they would always try to scare or startle each other. While they were in the forest they heard footsteps from animals, but they were not scared because they knew it was just an animal as always. As they head deeper and deeper into the forest they start to hear more footsteps.
Some of the kids got worried and thought they should go home, but most of the group wanted to keep going. After going deeper someone from the group asked Reggie, the leader of the group if they could go back, but Reggie was gone and not to be seen. They realized that not just he was taken, but Colbs was gone too. The three kids, alone as they thought they were, were shivering. Jadden ran for his life leaving the other two alone. He was a track player and could run faster than them, leaving them to be snatched away never to be seen again.
Traumatized, he decided not to go to school that day, but that very night Jadden got snatched, but it wasn’t by a human, rather animals. Not just any animals, most were the ghosts of the animals he killed in the past. Those kids never came back.