“The Human Werewolf”
5th Grade, 2nd Place
by Shelby Caves,
Turner Woods Elementary (Jones County)
One Halloween night three kids, two boys, and one girl were going to toilet paper their neighbors house, but what they did not know was that the man in the house was a relative of a werewolf. The three kids approached the house, the old man was not home, or so they thought. Right then the kids saw the door handle twist, the kids ran to the nearest tree and hid behind it. After about an hour they remembered that that they had a sleepover with their friend Kyle, so they went to Kyle’s house.
They told Kyle all about the old man. Finally, they decided that they should see an investigator, but investigators cost lots of money. They decided to persuade their parents to pay for the investigation. It took a lot of work, but finally they got their parents to pay for the investigation.
The investigator came over that Friday after school. The investigator knocked on the door of the old man’s house. The man didn’t answer, the investigator decided to quit because there was no one home. The kids would just have to figure it out themselves. The kids thought that if they toilet papered his house again then he would come out of his house.
The next they gathered their supplies and started walking over to their neighbor’s house. They started to toilet paper the house. Suddenly, the door handle started to twist and the door slowly made a creaking sound as it opened. Then, a half werewolf, half human jumped out of the house. It took the girl, who was never to be seen again. They were down to just two boys.
The two kids could not stop thinking about what happened that night. The next morning, they called the investigator to come back. The investigator said that if this creature was real, he would do it for no charge whatsoever, but if he did not see the creature the charge would be $200. The two kids were determined to show this investigator what this creature was.
They went to the house to toilet paper it again. The investigator was ready with his gear. Once again, the door twisted and creaked as it opened. The beast snatched one of the kids. The investigator tried and tried to kill the beast, but it was unstoppable. Suddenly, the beast snatched the investigator and the last kid. The kids and the investigator were never to be seen again, but a legend tells that on Halloween night you can still hear the half werewolf half human howling at the moon.